
Welcome to my blog, an honest account of dating and love in these modern times. A self proclaimed lover of love, I hope you like my stories and the people in them as much as I enjoy writing about them.  

Millionaire Matchmaker, Shmillionaire Matchmaker...

Millionaire Matchmaker, Shmillionaire Matchmaker...

So, here's the thing. One of my secret irritations when I was single was no one around me trying to introduce me to people. But it wasn't just me, when I would have a few of the grape juices and discuss this with other people, they too would vent their frustrations at the lack of introductions they were receiving.

So by this point you're getting older and so you just start asking people why they're not, particularly those with other halves who have circles of friends and the resounding response would be "I didn't think you'd want me to!"

It wasn't just me asking people, I had people asking me and I'll be straight about this, straight being the operative word, my friendship base is heavy on the girls and the gays, with my straight male friends being predominantly coupled up. The gays get A LOT of attention on the matchmaking front, I am constantly spruiking people, however my poor straights get the short end of the stick.

It wasn't until recently that I finally thought, well hold on a minute, it doesn't need to just be my immediate friendship circles, what about other facets of life, hobby, work etc. and their mates and then their mates, you see where I am heading. My limited pool was looking slightly more Olympic sized when I thought about broadening the search.

So I am going to tell you a story, but I'm going to be pretty vague on the deets of the people, they are really secondary to the point of the story anyway so MYOB on that front ploise.

So I was sitting having a little chardy with a friend and she was telling me about a friend who was being brave and dipping her toe into finding love world again. I thought, how wonderful and good on her, you never know unless you give it a go. Said friend asked me if I knew someone. Turns out I did know someone, a lovely gent who I knew was keen on meeting people too. So both of us went away and raised this match scenario with each of our people, turns out, they were both down to meet each other. My heart soared and I was so excited.

The two met for brekkie on a sunny Saturday. I knew that shiz was happening and was dying to ask about it over that weekend but refrained and waited for the person to tell me what they thought. So turns out they had a most delightful time, good convo, lots of laughs. So great right?! They both didn't feel the love spark, but both have walked away going 'how nice to be introduced to another great human being". Now not a love match, no. But these two have such positive vibes about each other and the experience, that they know if they did meet someone themselves who might match well with the other, they would totally do that… How good is that?!

So off the high I have been thinking about how else I could help people find love, without looking like a complete creepster. Here's a few things I think could work without potential AVOs. Ask some questions. Not in like a probey annoying way but in an interested way. You could well discover that there are people in the circle of the people you are talking to that might be well up for an introduction. Don't just limit the conversation to singles, the coupled peeps are usually desperate to introduce friends, so conversations with them are crucial too.

It's also about encouraging people to be brave and give things ago. I was an online date machine, but I know that it's not for everyone. Encouraging people to dip their own toe in waters that might be less confronting for them is a good thing. You might remember I wrote about speed dates way back when, one person at that event said that the reason they liked speed dates is that you skipped all the bullsh*t that can often come with matching and chatting online, an instantaneous connection was either had or not had, so maybe chat more about off line dates with the people you know.

Over my time looking for love, I was endlessly intrigued by agency date companies and how their experience differed from the mere app download and general meeting experience, I have been trying so hard to connect with people that know these companies because I want to blog about how that all works. So watch this space. in the meantime, get out there and be a love matching machine yourself. I would love to hear about how you have set people up too!

The Catastrophist – Celebrating our Love Neuroses

The Catastrophist – Celebrating our Love Neuroses

If Video Killed the Radio Star, What is Reality Tele Doing for Love?

If Video Killed the Radio Star, What is Reality Tele Doing for Love?